Friday, February 13, 2009

Lessons...they sure are everywhere, I can learn from each day even if I am simply sitting in the Jerusalem Center Studying Egyptian Gods...haha that's what is on my mind right now, kind of random. Quick update, last week I went to Ein Korem, a small town 30 minutes outside of Jerusalem, the home of John the Baptist. It is the favorite place I've been so far, and the church of John the Baptist is beautiful. Also, we went to the Chagall windows which are so cool, and have so much meaning behind them each one represents a son of Jacob. Everywhere I looked throughout the city I wanted to take a picture. It was very European, a little bit what I envision Italy would be like.
Then came was one of the best I've had. I went with a small group of people to the Garden of Gethsemane after church. We went and sat in the Church of All Nations in front of the rock they use to commemorate where the Atonement took place. I sat and really thought about the Atonement of Christ, and what that really means to me personally and what my understanding of it is. I think for the first time, I realized how encompassing the Atonement is...something I think I have a lot to learn about. Outside the church is a garden of trees they've dated back more than 2000 years and therefore believe were there during Christ's time.
The next day we went on an all day field trip to the place where David picked the five smooth stones that he used to defeat Goliath. We went to a lot of caves where people used to is unreal where these people used to live and what is left for us to see. The last stop we made on this field trip were these caves that we were told were pretty advanced to walk through. Now I thought sure ok...caves I can do the advanced how hard can it be! I was quite surprised...we were definitely cave spelunking...I didn't have a flashlight so I was crawling through these dark tunnels that were tiny and scaling this wall to get to the crawlspace that took you out. The last little tunnel I had to lay on my back and scoot myself out and the guy on the other end had to pull us out. So much fun...we were so dusty and the funny thing is I loved it. People who know me know that I hate being dirty, but I loved it this time:) After Tamarra and I made it out of the birth canal we went walking through the hills, picking flowers admittingly haha and talking...that was one of those moments where you kind of want to freeze time just for a little bit and take in the moment. Tamarra is really getting into archaeology I guess so she had her eye out and we found what must have been a small little city or something. There were pottery shards everywhere! It is amazing to be walking through the lands in which the battles took place in the Old Testament we are reading about. I am so grateful everyday that I am here.

This week school was pretty intense...therefore I have little to report adventure wise. I learned a lot about Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia! I have to say, finding the balance of studying and exploring is a challenge. Especially for me, one who obsesses about school, maybe a little too much. I'll figure it out at some point...if there is one thing I can take away from this week is, the Lord teaches us lessons in interesting ways. And one of those ways is when we write...whenever I seem to be struggling with something in my head and I write, I teach myself something. He gives us weaknesses and strengths...he knows them and he knows what we can handle and what we will learn from most. This experience is definitely one that is going to force me to learn how to strengthen my weaknesses. I don't know if that makes any sense but it does in my head haha!

Have fun in Sun Valley without me family I love you and miss you:)

1 comment:

  1. Rachael, it looks like you are having a blast! I'm excited to check out your blog so I can see some neat pictures and hear about your experiences. I'm sure you already know what a wonderful opportunity you have to do this! Excited to see more!
    - Kalisha
