Purim Festivities~A night to Remember
Last week was a major Jewish holiday and the last night is an all out party! We dressed up- went and I think that is one of the first times when we actually fit in! Purim on Benehuda Street is quite the sight to see. Silly string, poppers, horns, drunk people, men with Kippas dancing everywhere haha! Anyways it was definitely a highlight:)
Bethlehem~Shepherd's Field
I loved Bethlehem. We went to the Church of the Nativity to the place which is believed to be where Christ was born. Apparently, this is the one place believed to be the true spot where the event happened. As the atonement and the Resurrection are somewhat guesses....they say this is the most accurate. We also visited Bethlehem University where we received a lecture and mingled with the students a little bit. Bethlehem University is Christian and Muslim. It felt a lot like a High School to be honest because it was pretty small. But it is a really nice school and it is cool to see two very different groups of people working and learning together. Shepherd's field was a great experience. At Sunset we went to Shepherd's field and read through the story of Christ's birth in the book of Luke. As we were sitting on the hill looking out over Bethlehem there was a twinkling star directly over the Church of the Nativity...quite poetic as our New Testament teacher put it:) I think sometimes it is hard for my mind to comprehend how unbelievable these experiences are. Sometimes it hits me and sometimes it doesn't.
Lately the Palestinian Israeli conflict has dominated much of our conversation and comes up in almost every aspect of our lives here. We visited the Separation wall with a journalist and it was really interesting. Visiting the wall opened my eyes to how devastating the situation is here in Israel. People's lives are incredibly impaired and it is hard to believe how much Palestinians go through just to get to work, if they work in Israel. All the checkpoints and searches they have to deal with make their drive to work sometimes 2-3 hours. Our Modern Near East Professor who teaches us Palestinian history is from Bethlehem and we have had multiple classes canceled due to his inability to get through the checkpoints. There is really no lesson better on the Palestinian conflict than that. Also, a woman who comes to church here from Bethlehem was not able to come across the border for about 6 months and therefore was unable to go to church. She is an amazing woman with an unbelievable attitude in her situation. With a family who completely disapproves of her religion and a separation wall with checkpoints that prohibit her from going to church it would be very difficult to stay faithful and not give up. This woman is an unbelievable example to me.
I am doing great and heading off to Galilee for about 2 weeks, so I will have lots to tell when I get back. Miss you all and hope all is well:)